Wednesday, 9 May 2012

nelja nurga reegel ja muud seletused

Blogger remix: [I belive most power in a real-life situation have closely surroundings (including people), especially with guns and especially on newspaper or TV, unless you don't care (After all, mind is a mixing of reality (metaphor) and fiction) Those surroundings do what they are supposed to do and we think: "where the heck is this gonna lead". A good example is raising the baby. Did you get the point? There is no limit to slimlines.]

The secret of the previnus four corners lies in this: Vana hea nelja nurga reegel: kui tahad enda mõtteid teiste omadest eristada, siis pane mitte-omadele raam ümber. Miks ei peaks kehtima paberil? PS. Ärge tehke ennatlikke järeldusi.

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